Easy Implementation

Grow Core Deposits, Retain more Clients

Clockout is the best incentive to capture Direct Deposits, enabling you to grow Core Deposits and increase the LTV of your customers.


How it works


User Joins Clockout

With our in-app experience, joining Clockout with be as easy as clicking a button

Payroll Connection

Users will intuitively connect their payroll using their credentials.

Direct Deposit Switch

In less than two buttons users will be able to switch Direct Deposit allocations to your bank

Advance Collection

Automatically collect Advances Repayments when their paycheck hits the bank account.
our mission

Safer, healthier access to money for customers

We make accessing money uncomplicated by allowing users to decide when and how they want to get paid, powered by their labor data.

Alternative to Payday Lenders
No Interest, No Late Fees
new products

Differentiate your product offering

Clockout helps smaller Financial Institutions differentiate against big Banks and Fintechs by offering an attractive product to younger generations and minorities.


Easy to Implement Earned Wage Access never sounded so benefitting

Talk to Sales
Capture Direct Deposits
Clockout connects to 1,600+ Payroll Systems to capture Direct Deposits Allocation and Payroll Data.
Grow Core Deposits
By capturing Direct Deposits, grow your bank's total base of deposits and deposit holders.
Differentiate Portfolio
In the current market, innovation plays a crucial role in Customer Acquisition, differentiate your FI from others with EWA.
Win Primacy
Primacy is one of the hottest topics for banking nowadays, we have the perfect solution.
Offer new products
New products and extra income streams are needed to create constant growth and innovation.
Attract new customers
Attract younger generations by offering a product that brings solution to one of the biggest problems they face; liquidity.